The 5th novel of the 2nd day of Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio is developed as an immersive, multicast, real-time 3D animation for tablets. We expand Boccaccio’s novel into four short stories that recount the actions of the four main characters in parallel. The four narrative nodes flow aligned and synchronized, and the viewer can at any time choose to: follow the story of one
or other of the characters; jump from one node to another synchronized in time; exit the author’s point of view and adopt their own point of view within each scene – and also, if they wish, switch focus from the main story to the side stories happening in the background; watch the author’s director’s cut which collects key moments of the four paths into a single classic-style film.
Decameroscopio breaks the 4th wall
Decameroscopio brings in a multidirectional renovation of traditional movie language, offering the viewer the chance to immerse themselves in the time and space of the story, multiplying its fascinations through a narrative kaleidoscope.

Shaping new media
Over the last twenty years the ways to see a movie have undergone radical change. Today, movies are ever more frequently being viewed on personal and portable devices. Tablets and smartphones have transformed 20th century cinema’s celebratory and collective mode of viewing, and now allow fragmentation and repetition – and especially “manipulation” – of the viewing experience.
Gaming features in storytelling
Due in large measure to the gaming market, the graphics capabilities of modern tablets have increased enormously. So much so that today it is possible to develop a digital animation for a tablet with real-time and explorability features. Such freedom of interaction has until now been the province of “gaming culture”, but here it is adapted for narrative purposes.
Tradition meets modernity
Decameroscopio draws on a masterpiece of Italian classical literature that has been revisited time and again over the centuries thanks to its brilliance and profundity. We work with real “commedia dell’arte” actors and motion capture technology. Our artistic approach is basically “theatrical”, as are the performance dynamics, but motion capture technology launches our performance into an area of absolute freedom of form. Thereby the age-old “commedia dell’arte” converges with the modern in an instrument of revitalization.
Who we are?
Our friend Giovanni Boccaccio is the focus of our work. Without his beautiful art we would not have been able to grow his main characters, Andreuccio da Perugia and mistress Fiordaliso, and then accompany them with our own characters, for some of whom we have created both name and story: Buttafuoco, Guccio Porco, Scannadio, Tancredi, Rinuccio and the priest Giovanni. In close imaginative touch with these medieval personalities we worked on writing and directing the screenplay, designing their appearance and their world, collaborating with actors and engineers to create the digital universe in which they live their lives – and “incidentally” act out our story.
- All
- Characters
- Actors
- Creation
